
Tony Stark meme talking about success working with 309 Marketing Group

Laughs Generation: Memes in Marketing!

While advertising and marketing can sometimes seem bland or stale, it’s important to remember there’s humor in everything. Yes, even digital advertising can be funny! At the office, sometimes a few jokes or funny images are enough to lighten the mood and get us through the day. Of course, these same jokes pick fun at the many things marketers (and their clients) experience when managing an active advertising campaign. However, as everyone knows too well, there’s comedy to be found in the truth! For today’s blog, we gathered a few memes in marketing to share laughter and some light education for our readers.

Laughs Generation: Memes in Marketing!

It’s A Marathon, Not a Sprint!

These memes in marketing would make any SEO specialist or digital marketing professional cringe! As 309 Marketing tells all our clients, SEO marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. While search engine optimization is one of the most effective ways to build your brand and get your website to rank highly in SERPs (search engine results pages), it’s a strategy that takes time to grow. On average, we don’t see significant progress in our clients’ SEO campaigns until about six months in. In another six months, you should see steady growth in your rankings, with some of your main pages making it to the top few spots of Google. And as more time passes and we continue to refine your SEO strategy, your website’s SERP rankings will continue to climb.

Laughs Generation: Memes in Marketing!

Our Ads WILL Find You

While we don’t have the same “particular set of skills” Liam Neeson has, 309 Marketing possesses the skills, tools and knowhow to get your online ads seen and clicked on. Through ad retargeting, we engage with the customers who engage with your business, converting them from potential leads to sales. Retargeting is a straightforward advertising strategy, as it reminds visitors of your site of the products and services you can offer them. Often, a first-time user landing on your site might want to “shop around” before deciding on who they wish to do business with. However, by retargeting them with ads related to your business as they visit other websites, you don’t let potential leads off the hook. Instead, through ad retargeting, you influence their decision to buy from your company.

nephew knows photoshop

Is This a Graphic Designer (meme)?

While many tools and programs allow individuals to learn the basics of graphic design, this doesn’t necessarily make those individuals graphic designers! Yes, even if your nephew or cousin knows how to “edit some pictures” in Photoshop, they aren’t who you want to create your company’s advertising graphic content. In truth, becoming a graphic designer takes time, training, education, and an eye for design. Thankfully, if you want creative graphic design services for your company’s advertising strategy, 309 Marketing Group can happily oblige!

Laughs Generation: Memes in Marketing!

You Might Need More Than a Website

As crucial as creating a website for your business is, it’s only one part of the equation. After all, how can you expect your website to bring in customers when no one knows it exists? Thankfully, a consistent digital marketing campaign is the easiest way to grow your online brand and attract more visitors to your website. Moreover, digital marketing is multifaceted, incorporating elements of SEO, SEM, social media, review management, programmatic video, and more. If you wish to wholly support your business’s website and online marketing efforts, 309 Marketing can help!

Laughs Generation: Memes in Marketing!

Surprise! Advertising Works!

As anyone at 309 Marketing will tell you, seeing a digital marketing strategy finally take off is exciting! While no fool-proof or one-size-fit-all marketing program will work for your business, consistent marketing and advertising with help from marketing experts make a difference. With 309 Marketing Group, you can grow your business and meet and exceed all your professional goals; all it takes is a little advertising, and you’ll start seeing sales increase in no time.

To get started on your digital marketing strategy, learn more about 309 Marketing Group, or hear more about our favorite jokes and memes in marketing, call us today at 309-213-9398.

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